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#ЗупиниРудого #StopSpanishSlug 2
Coleoptera 3
Heteroptera 5
Mammals 1
Rapid field guides 16
Weevils 1
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Ихтиология или риби 2
Охорона природи 2

Downloads: Semyon (Semyon Volovnik)
# Author Title download File size Downloads Added
1. Volovnik et al. Volovnik, S. V., Nazarenko, V. Yu., Voitko, P. L. 2019 New records of weevils (Coleoptera: Curculionoidea) in Volyn Polesia (Ukraine). The Kharkov Entomological Society Gazette. 2019. Vol. XXVII, is...
An annotated list of new records of 45 weevil species is provided. Hadroplontus litura, Larinus iaceae, Magdalis exarata, Pissodes validirostris, Stereocorynes truncorum, Platystomos albinus, Nanophyes globiformis, Ceutorhynchus dubius, and Dorytomus suratus are registered in Ukrainian Polesia for the first time. 34 species are recorded in the west part of Volynian Polesia (= Volyn Region) for the first time. Total known richness of weevils in Volyn Region is increased by 9%. Currently, the list of Curculionoideae inhabiting Volyn Region includes 386 species and subspecies. Additional data on 11 species rare in Ukraine are given. The west range limit of Asproparthenis foveocollis is extended to Volyn Polesia. Discovery of Asproparthenis vexata in Volyn Polesia confirms coexistence of specific insect assemblages associated with endemic psammophilous flora. An alien Lygniodes bischoffi entered into Ukrainian Polesia presumably from Poland. The hornbeam, Carpinus betulus was detected as a new host plant of Cossonus cylindricus for the first time. 27 refs.
Download 267.13 Kb 13.09.2020 09:24:48 by Semyon
2. Volovnik S., Pavly... 2020 New distributional records for 11 weevil species from Ukraine (Coleoptera: Curculionidae). Munis Entomology & Zoology, 2020, 15(2): 572-575.

The article presents data on new records of 11 weevil species (Coleoptera: Curculionoidea: Curculionidae, Rhynchitidae). Lixus tibialis Boheman, 1842 and L. scabricollis Boheman, 1842 are recorded for the first time from Ukraine. Six rare species are reported for the first time from Mykolaiv, Kherson and Zaporizhia Provinces. Three species also first noted for Kamiani Mohyly Nature Reserve.
Download 216.04 Kb 02.06.2020 16:51:47 by Semyon
3. Volovnik S.V. Volovnik S.V. 1994 On parasites and predators of Cleoninae weevils (Col. Curculionidae) in Ukrainian steppe. Anz. Schadlingskde., Pflanzenschutz, Umweltschutz, 1994, Bd. 67, H. 4, S. 77-79.

The data of natural enemies of 19 species of Cleoninae (genera Cleonis, Chromoderus, Cyphocleonus, Rhynocullus, Lixus, Larinus) are given. They were parasitized by Ichneimonidae, Braconidae (Hymenoptera), Eryhreidae (Acariformes), and fungi. Weeviks fell victim of ants (Fortmicidae), beetles (Elateridae, Tenebrionidae, Scarabaeidae) and probably Orius sp. (Anthocoridae, Heteroptera)
Download 2.19 Mb 18.07.2017 21:01:41 by Semyon
4. Volovnik S.V. Volovnik S.V. 1996 On biology of Lixus albomarginatus Boh. (Col., Curculionidae). Anz. Shadlingskunde., Pflanzenschutz, Umweltschutz 1996. Bd. 69. H. 2. S. 40.

In the coastal regions of South Ukraine adults of Lixus albomarginatus Boh. feed on Cakile eucina Pobed. (Brassicaceae). Some details of life cycle are described.
Download 743.5 Kb 18.07.2017 20:49:20 by Semyon
5. Воловник и др. Воловник С.В., Назаренко В.Ю., Шешурак П.Н. 2015 Воловник С.В., Назаренко В.Ю., Шешурак П.Н., 2015. ДОЛГОНОСИКИ-ЛИКСИНЫ (COLEOPTERA, CURCULIONIDAE, LIXINAE) ЧЕРНИГОВСКОЙ ОБЛАСТИ (УКРАИНА): ВИДОВОЙ С...

Фаунистический обзор жуков-долгоносиков подсемейства Lixinae Черниговской области Украины. Выявлено 36 видов из 10 родов. Впервые для данной территории отмечено 13 видов и 4 рода (Coniocleonus, Mecaspis, Pseudocleonus, Rhinocyllus). Для каждого из массовых видов указаны административные районы и временной интервал находок, для прочих видов — даты и пункты каждой находки. Два вида (Larinus iaceae и Larinus rectinasus) обнаруживались лишь более ста лет назад. Три вида могут ощутимо вредить свекловичным плантациям, 14 видов — гербифаги сорняков и поэтому их экология заслуживает детального изучения.
Download 176 Kb 18.07.2017 20:37:34 by Semyon
6. Skuhrovec et al. Skuhrovec J, Volovnik S, Gosik R. 2017 Description of the immature stages of Larinus vulpes and notes on its biology (Coleoptera, Curculionidae, Lixinae). ZooKeys 679: 107–137.

Mature larva and pupa of Larinus vulpes (Olivier, 1807) (Curculionidae: Lixinae: Lixini) are morphologically described for the first time and compared with known larvae and pupae of other Larinus species. Very high counts of larval body setae (pronotum with more than 25 setae and postdorsum on meso- and metathorax and also on abdominal segments I–VII with more than 12 setae) are characteristic features of the nominotypical subgenus Larinus. The biology of the species was studied in Ukraine. Echinops ruthenicus and E. sphaerocephalus were identified as host plants of both larvae and adults of this weevil based on the present research in Ukraine, which shows probably oligophagous. Overwintering beetles emerged at the end of May or earlier, then feeding and mating on the host plants. The highest level of adult activity was observed at the end of June. Larvae were endophagous within the flower heads. In July and August,
the larvae pupated within inflorescences in a pupation cell. Adults exited the cells at the end of August and did not hibernate on the host plants. Sometimes, larvae and imagines of a new generation were found outside the flower heads in chambers constructed on the stems.

Download 6.81 Mb 18.07.2017 20:28:07 by Semyon
7. Volovnik Volovnik S.V. 2012 On biology and distribution of weevil Lixus fasciculatus (Сoleoptera: Curculionidae) – a potential agent against Artemisia weeeds. Mun. Ent. Zool. 946 Vol. 7(2): 946-949.

Download 188.99 Kb 19.06.2017 18:36:02 by Semyon

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