Ukrainian Biodiversity Information Network
Національна мережа інформації з біорізноманіття

Terms of Use

Building and managing the systems that enable the collection and careful management of data in UkrBIN requires ongoing time, effort, and expense for the UkrBIN team. Thousands of participants freely provide the data to UkrBIN, and in this same spirit, we make these data freely available for non-commercial use.

In order to help financially maintain and develop UkrBIN, we need to receive acknowledgment for our work when others use these data for non-commercial purposes. The formal terms of use (specified below) describe the mechanisms through which we can ensure that appropriate credit is given for the benefit of maintaining and growing UkrBIN.


UkrBIN data are supplied only for applied and basic research and education. UkrBIN team will update the UkrBIN data available at any time.
The users of UkrBIN data will provide a full and appropriate acknowledgment and Citation in any materials or publications derived in part or in whole from the data; relevant citation details are provided with each dataset. For any publication making substantial use of the UkrBIN data, the Ukrainian Biodiversity Information Network welcomes opportunities for commenting on the work prior to publication, for collaboration, and for co-authorship if we contribute substantial intellectual input in a publication. Expressions of interest can be sent to @

Reproduction of any UkrBIN data or any products derived from it, either whole or in part, for commercial purposes is prohibited without prior written permission of the Ukrainian Biodiversity Information Network. For the purposes of these Terms of Use, "commercial purposes" means: a) any use by, on behalf of, or to inform or assist the activities of, a commercial entity (an entity that operates 'for profit'); or b) use by any non-profit entity for the purposes of revenue generation. If you require permission please contact the UkrBIN team via email to @
The recipient will only use the UkrBIN data provided for the purpose for which it was requested. If subsequent or different use is required the recipient must contact the Ukrainian Biodiversity Information Network again for written approval. The recipient will not pass the original datasets on to any third parties and will direct all such thirds parties' requests for use of UkrBIN data back to the UkrBIN team. The recipient will not publish or publicly distribute UkrBIN data in their original format, either whole or in part, in any media, including but not limited to on a website, FTP site, CD, memory stick. The recipient should provide a link to the original data source location on the Ukrainian Biodiversity Information Network website where appropriate. The recipient may only pass on datasets derived from the Ukrainian Biodiversity Information Network's original UkrBIN data (in forms not limited to tabular and graphical representations) if these derived data are supplied with the same Terms of Use.

Your use of any UkrBIN data does not constitute endorsement by the Ukrainian Biodiversity Information Network of any derived products, reports, or analyses. The Ukrainian Biodiversity Information Network and UkrBIN logos must not be used in any derived products, reports, or analyses, or supporting materials, without express written permission.

All UkrBIN data are provided with additional supporting metadata sufficient to make sensible and informed decisions about data use. The recipient must read all supporting metadata prior to any analysis and agree to abide by any stipulations contained therein. Where appropriate, Ukrainian Biodiversity Information Network staff can provide additional guidance on request to aid in the correct use and interpretation of the data.

The Ukrainian Biodiversity Information Network endeavors to maintain accurate and up-to-date data at all times, but can accept no responsibility for the consequences of errors or omissions in the data, for misuse of the data by any organization or individual, or for any damage done to computing systems into which the data are entered (see Disclaimer below).
User agrees to send, free of charge, an electronic copy of all products published using UkrBIN data supplied by the Ukrainian Biodiversity Information Network via email to @


The Ukrainian Biodiversity Information Network makes no warranties or representations, express or implied, with regard to the correctness, reliability, or accuracy of any UkrBIN data, or otherwise. All UkrBIN data is provided "as-is." The material and geographic designations in UkrBIN data do not imply the expressions of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Ukrainian Biodiversity Information Network concerning the legal status of any country, territory or area, nor concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. Neither the Ukrainian Biodiversity Information Network nor its affiliated or related entities or its content providers shall be responsible or liable to any person, firm, or corporation for any loss, damage, injury, claim, or liability of any kind or character based on or resulting from any use of any UkrBIN data.

Indemnification and Limitation of Liability
You agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Ukrainian Biodiversity Information Network, its trustees, officers, employees, and agents, from and against all losses, expenses, damages, and costs, including reasonable attorneys' fees, resulting from your violation of these Terms. You expressly understand and agree Ukrainian Biodiversity Information Network shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential, punitive or exemplary damages, including but not limited to, damages for loss of profits, goodwill, use, data or other intangible losses (even if UkrBIN team has been advised of the possibility of such damages), resulting from your use of any UkrBIN data.

Errors and Omissions
The Ukrainian Biodiversity Information Network endeavours to maintain accurate and up-to-date data at all times. However, if errors or omissions are identified, the user should notify the UkrBIN team so that they can be corrected in future releases of the data. Users can contact the Ukrainian Biodiversity Information Network using the details below. Please mark all correspondence: "Information Science--Data Request".

Privacy Policy

UkrBIN, the Ukrainian Biodiversity Information Network, provides this Privacy Policy to inform you of the collection, use and disclosure (“Processing”) of personal data on this site. The Processing includes personal data that you provide to us or those we collect using the site in connection with the following:

• Professional network and data publishers: contact information for the purpose of sharing information and encouraging professional activity and engagement through
the UkrBIN community site and its discussion forums, as well as for UkrBIN’s direct communication with such users
• Other users: email address as part of the setting up of an account in order to provide access to downloads and subscription to newsletters
• Social media, including Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, Google Plus and Vimeo integrated with
• E-newsletter and other internal email lists and lists maintained by third-party providers for the purposes of outbound communication
• Public email and discussion lists about tools, products and topics of interest
• Public consultations and surveys, both on UkrBIN and third-party websites to assess biodiversity information needs and practices
• Corresponding authors of peer-reviewed scientific research that makes use of UkrBIN-mediated data
• Public repositories, UkrBIN forum and Mantis Issue-Tracker
• Cookies that we use to provide session management
• Information related to search events, including criteria, timestamps and summary download results
• Third-party cookies that process information related to website usage statistics provided by Google Analytics

This Processing of personal data is necessary in order to fulfill requirements related to research and scientific methods, intellectual property rights, administrative purposes and operation of the site. The default settings on the site implies that the Processing only includes necessary information.
If you choose to provide information to the site, this information including your personal data may be accessible to users of the site. The use of social media through the site implies that your personal data may be accessible through such media.
Furthermore, UkrBIN may be required to transfer the information to the authorities as required by law.
You have the right of access to and the right to rectify the personal data relating to you.
You may review, update, correct or delete your personal data by contacting UkrBIN, via email @, with a request that we delete your personal data from the site. We may maintain an archived copy as required by law or for any of the above-mentioned purposes.
With regard to cookies, you can instruct your browser by changing its options to stop accepting cookies but this may affect the use of the site.
This Privacy Policy may be updated from time to time, and you are advised to consult this Privacy Policy regularly for any changes.

Contribution to the UkrBIN database
The UkrBIN database is at the same time a virtual natural history museum. A collection of photo-observations is a virtual scientific collection. Photo-observations are virtual specimens in a collection and may serve as voucher specimens for further scientific research. Users uploading the photo-observation make a donation of a virtual specimen to the collection of UkrBIN. As in real-life museums, the donation to the virtual museum is not reversible.

License and Copyright Agreement
In submitting the observations and datasets to UkrBIN, the authors certify that:
They are authorized by their co-authors to enter into these arrangements.
The data described has not been formally published before, that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere, that its publication has been approved by all the author(s) and by the responsible authorities – tacitly or explicitly – of the institutes where the work has been carried out.
They secure the right to reproduce any material that has already been published or copyrighted elsewhere.
They agree to the following license and copyright agreement:
UkrBIN establishes a general policy that is equivalent to that of GBIF, and associates all data contributed to UkrBIN with a CC0 or CC BY license. In either case, UkrBIN will always encourage and equip users to cite usage of your data. However, we believe that standardisation makes it much easier and more likely that users will cite UkrBIN and its contributors in ways that can be tracked and measured.
Authors retain the copyright to their data and can choose to make it available under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC-BY 4.0) or, if requested, of the Creative Commons CC-Zero Waiver (CC-0). Any supplementary materials associated with an article will be made available under the Creative Commons CC-Zero Waiver (CC-0).

UkrBIN Ethics

Public communication
Public messages in public resources, referred to in UkrBIN, must be ethical and, above all, non-offensive, like messages in UkrBIN. When commenting, please stay on topic, no profanity or discriminatory remarks, and no personal attacks.
If you find insults on the UkrBIN website or external resources to the participants of UkrBIN - try not to spread these statements, but to contact the participant who placed them or to the administrators of this resource with the request to settle the matter.
If a participant's activities on external resources were in fact aimed at actively discrediting or undermining the activities of UkrBIN, and the participant himself did not intend to change his attitude, UkrBIN might consider it necessary to stop cooperation with him/her.
For discussion and constructive criticism of the UkrBIN project, participants are advised to use the UkrBIN Forum and/or the UkrBIN Facebook group, and not the comments under the images on the site

Email: @

07.09.2023 13:03:39   Nikolai Yunakov (Nikolai Yunakov$)

BugGallery v.1.4   © UkrBIN.   PHP v. 7.2.24-0ubuntu0.18.04.17,   MySQL v. 5.7.42-0ubuntu0.18.04.1 (mysqli).