< not specified >
Kingdom: Animalia - animals (172238)
Kingdom: Bacteria - bacteria (109)
Kingdom: Chromista - chromista (160)
Kingdom: Fungi - fungi (15028)
Kingdom: Plantae - plants (125160)
Kingdom: Protozoa - protozoa (470)
Kingdom: · Unknown - unknown (86)
< not specified >
Phylum: Annelida - annelids, ringed worms, segmented worms (177)
Phylum: Arthropoda - arthropods (139897)
Phylum: Brachiopoda (7)
Phylum: Bryozoa (20)
Phylum: Chordata - vertebrates (28397)
Phylum: Cnidaria - cnidarians (84)
Phylum: Ctenophora - comb jellies (4)
Phylum: Echinodermata - echinoderms (44)
Phylum: Mollusca - molluscs, mollusks (3474)
Phylum: Nematoda (4)
Phylum: Nematomorpha (3)
Phylum: Placozoa (1)
Phylum: Platyhelminthes (31)
Phylum: Porifera - sponges (24)
Phylum: Rotatoria - rotifers, wheel animals (11)
Phylum: Tardigrada (1)
< not specified >
Class: Arachnida (9712)
Class: Branchiopoda (36)
Class: Chilopoda (160)
Class: Copepoda (23)
Class: Diplopoda - Millipedes (315)
Class: Entognatha (228)
Class: Hexanauplia (2)
Class: Ichthyostraca (1)
Class: Insecta - insects (128797)
Class: Malacostraca - crabs, lobsters, crayfish, shrimp, krill, woodlice, amphipods, mantis shrimp, woodlice (582)
Class: Merostomata (2)
Class: Ostracoda (6)
Class: Thecostraca (26)
< not specified >
Order: Archaeognatha - jumping bristletails (19)
Order: Blattodea - cockroaches and termites (164)
Order: Coleoptera - beetles (48170)
Order: Dermaptera - earwigs (149)
Order: Diptera - flies, mosquitoes, gnats (11989)
Order: Embioptera (3)
Order: Ephemeroptera - Mayfly (161)
Order: Hemiptera - True Bugs, Hoppers, Aphids (13919)
Order: Hymenoptera (11552)
Order: Lepidoptera - butterflies and moths (33952)
Order: Mantodea - Mantises (558)
Order: Mecoptera (224)
Order: Megaloptera (51)
Order: Neuroptera (498)
Order: Odonata (3140)
Order: Orthoptera - Grasshoppers, Crickets, Katydids (2962)
Order: Phasmida - stick insects (21)
Order: Phthiraptera (1)
Order: Plecoptera - stoneflies (111)
Order: Psocoptera (135)
Order: Raphidioptera - snakeflies (99)
Order: Siphonaptera - fleas (7)
Order: Thysanoptera (53)
Order: Trichoptera (321)
Order: Zygentoma - silverfish (45)
< not specified >
Suborder: Auchenorrhyncha - Free-living Hemipterans (1580)
Suborder: Heteroptera - True Bugs (11105)
Suborder: Sternorrhyncha (1095)
< not specified >
Infraorder: Cimicomorpha (3388)
Infraorder: Dispsocoromorpha (1)
Infraorder: Gerromorpha (139)
Infraorder: Leptopodomorpha (44)
Infraorder: Nepomorpha (159)
Infraorder: Pentatomorpha (6947)
< not specified >
Superfamily: Cimicoidea (497)
Superfamily: Miroidea (1609)
Superfamily: Reduvioidea (289)
Superfamily: Tingoidea (993)
< not specified >
Family: Microphysidae (2)
Family: Miridae (1607)
< not specified >
Subfamily: Bryocorinae (38)
Subfamily: Deraeocorinae (145)
Subfamily: Isometopinae (6)
Subfamily: Mirinae (956)
Subfamily: Orthotylinae (151)
Subfamily: Phylinae (267)
< not specified >
Tribe: Ceratocapsini (3)
Tribe: Halticini (50)
Tribe: Orthotylini (97)
< not specified >
Genus: Blepharidopterus (3)
Genus: Brachynotocoris (2)
Genus: Dryophilocoris (10)
Genus: Globiceps (21)
Genus: Heterocordylus (17)
Genus: Heterotoma (12)
Genus: Malacocoris (3)
Genus: Orthotylus (23)
Genus: Platycranus (3)
Genus: Zanchius (3)
< not specified >
Subgenus: Globiceps (7)
Subgenus: Kelidocoris (3)
< not specified >
Species: sphaegiformis (7)
< not specified >